do you happy with me?
just a 'short' update,
last Saturday,
I've been in UKM for paint-ball!
it's fun! totally fun!
have you tried?
I've tried!
why MARSHEY ROMPEY : fencing
what FENCING : rayyy!
who knows ray? raise ur hand!
i like youuuuu(who raise his/her hand)!!!
picture 1 : misunderstanding =="
picture 2 : khy has dead(in game) im survive!
picture 3 : there it is! myself! with the marker!
picture 4 : dead =="
picture 5 : unsatisfied
picture 6 : UKM's friends!
thnx for coming and meet us here!
that's all for the 'short' update!
will update soon!
p/s: i rarely FB-ing
'You can't reach your goals without taking some long shots'
alyaaaa! sumpah kau buat aku rindu gila nk maen paintball! >.< bestnyaaa! ;)
p main2 x ajak.
sley : rindu nak men paintball? jom ah! sg rambai! haha
faiz : adakah awak antara org yg raise hand? ahhaha! malas nak ajak dak fencing laki. ajak yg pompuan sudehhh. hehe
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